Welcome to Somaliland

Somaliland is one of the world’s undiscovered gems. 80 miles of sandy beach, dramatic mountains, exciting wildlife and a fantastic culture. Good food, ancient history, breathtakingly beautiful coral reefs, fishing, unique bird species and a hospitality that warms visitors years after the visit. All this in the region’s only functioning democracy, a peaceful country with a capital that the US Foreign Ministry believes is Africa’s safest. Welcome to the pearl of the Indian Ocean. Welcome to Somaliland!

On this page we present some of the attractions that draw visitors from different parts of the world to Somaliland every year. In the capital, Hargeisa, there are many tourist companies that organize trips to different parts of the country for those who want help with that.

Welcome to Somaliland

Somaliland is one of the world’s undiscovered gems. 80 miles of sandy beach, dramatic mountains, exciting wildlife and a fantastic culture. Good food, ancient history, breathtakingly beautiful coral reefs, fishing, unique bird species and a hospitality that warms visitors years after the visit. All this in the region’s only functioning democracy, a peaceful country with a capital that the US Foreign Ministry believes is Africa’s safest. Welcome to the pearl of the Indian Ocean. Welcome to Somaliland!

On this page we present some of the attractions that draw visitors from different parts of the world to Somaliland every year. In the capital, Hargeisa, there are many tourist companies that organize trips to different parts of the country for those who want help with that.

Laas Gaal

Somaliland has many prehistoric sites. Most famous is the rock complex Laas Gaal. Here you will find Africa’s best-preserved cave paintings. There are a total of eight caves in a mighty rock massif that stretches towards the sky like a castle in the middle of the surrounding plain that forms this strange visitor destination. The first has the largest number of paintings and is considered the artistic and creative center of the complex. Many paintings depict cows and people, there are wild animals such as giraffes, jackals, monkeys and elephants. In the third cave there is a large flat stone that reminds one of a king’s throne, another cave is divided into smaller parts with small openings like windows, perhaps prisoners were kept here. The rest of the caves look like homes.

The place is strangely peaceful and it is easy to be fascinated and carried away in the imagination to a time when great herds of wild and tame animals roamed the plain below the cliff.

Laas Gaal is located 55 kilometers northeast of the capital Hargeisa, near the road to Berbera. French archaeologist Xavier Gutherz “discovered” the unique, prehistoric paintings on December 4, 2002.  Today, the site is open to visitors. It is a protected site and visitors must be accompanied by a guide.

Daallo Mountain national park

In eastern Somaliland near the town of Erigavo in the middle of Sanaag province, mighty mountains stretch towards the sky. It is the mythical Daallo National Park with parts of the Golis mountain range. A completely unique place with miles of forest consisting of many different types of trees and other plants. Over 3000 different trees, plants and plants grow here. Some trees are 1000 years old. Many plants have medicinal value and the population of the area is said to often live to be over 90 years old, which is a lot in the Horn of Africa. There are wild animals here and it is rumored that lions appear occasionally. Lions can also be seen in other places in Somaliland if you are lucky. Only 45 kilometers from the national park is the legendary resort of Maydh with its white sandy beach and rich selection of fish and lobster for those who love food from the sea.

Daallo Mountain national park

In eastern Somaliland near the town of Erigavo in the middle of Sanaag province, mighty mountains stretch towards the sky. It is the mythical Daallo National Park with parts of the Golis mountain range. A completely unique place with miles of forest consisting of many different types of trees and other plants. Over 3000 different trees, plants and plants grow here. Some trees are 1000 years old. Many plants have medicinal value and the population of the area is said to often live to be over 90 years old, which is a lot in the Horn of Africa. There are wild animals here and it is rumored that lions appear occasionally. Lions can also be seen in other places in Somaliland if you are lucky. Only 45 kilometers from the national park is the legendary resort of Maydh with its white sandy beach and rich selection of fish and lobster for those who love food from the sea.


Somaliland is one of Africa’s top  bird watching destinations. The ability to travel to Somaliland has meant that bird watchers can now see a number of endemic bird species that were previously impossible to see. The area offers a large number of bird species that are not found in other places on earth. This makes Somaliland one of the world’s top birdwatching destinations.

Some of the species that can be seen here are:  Djibouti Francolin, Archer’s Buzzard, Little Brown Bustard, Somali Pigeon, Somali and Collared Larks, Lesser Hoopoe-Lark, Somali Wheatear, Somali Thrush, Somali Starling, Somali Golden-winged Grosbeak and Warsangli The linen. These endemic species are complemented by a rich range of more common species that thrive in dry climates and in savanna-like areas. This guarantees exciting and bird-rich experiences.

Gulf of Aden – part of the Indian Ocean

Somaliland’s 80-mile long coastline consists largely of white sand. The Gulf of Aden, as this part of the Indian Ocean is called, offers refreshing bathing and the possibility of wonderful days on the beach. Out in the turquoise sea, many exciting surprises await adventurous visitors. Here there are fantastic coral reefs full of fish in every imaginable color. The coast has always been strategic for seafarers and in the sea there are many wrecks that bear witness to battles and shattered dreams. The impressive but harmless whale sharks come here every winter to feed in the nutrient-rich waters. The whale shark is the world’s largest fish, but completely harmless to humans as it eats plankton and other small aquatic creatures. If you are lucky, you may experience a swim in the company of these powerful creatures.

In Somaliland’s largest port city of Berbera, you can rent diving equipment and also take the opportunity to get a diving certificate if you have not already done so. The diving center is located in Hotel Mansoor right on the beach a few kilometers east of the city center.

Gulf of Aden – part of the Indian Ocean

Somaliland’s 80-mile long coastline consists largely of white sand. The Gulf of Aden, as this part of the Indian Ocean is called, offers refreshing bathing and the possibility of wonderful days on the beach. Out in the turquoise sea, many exciting surprises await adventurous visitors. Here there are fantastic coral reefs full of fish in every imaginable color. The coast has always been strategic for seafarers and in the sea there are many wrecks that bear witness to battles and shattered dreams. The impressive but harmless whale sharks come here every winter to feed in the nutrient-rich waters. The whale shark is the world’s largest fish, but completely harmless to humans as it eats plankton and other small aquatic creatures. If you are lucky, you may experience a swim in the company of these powerful creatures.

In Somaliland’s largest port city of Berbera, you can rent diving equipment and also take the opportunity to get a diving certificate if you have not already done so. The diving center is located in Hotel Mansoor right on the beach a few kilometers east of the city center.

Somaliland’s rich wildlife

Somaliland has a rich wildlife. The nomads wander with their herds of camels, sheep and goats across the vast plains and high mountains. There are also plenty of wild animals here, large groups of baboons populate the semi-desert and mountain areas, the awe-inspiring predator the hyena hunts in the dark, the charming warthogs run on the dry plains, several different types of gazelle dart through the beautiful nature. Here is the unique and very small Dik-Dik gazelle which is not much bigger than a cat. Lions and other predators also occur here and there. The bird life is uniquely abundant and the sea teems with life in all its forms. A trip on one of the country’s dirt roads turns into an exciting safari wherever you go. Keep your eyes open and enjoy the beautiful nature with its rich wildlife.

Exciting culture

Somaliland has been shaped over centuries and developed a unique culture with a rich storytelling tradition, dances, songs and a social structure that has evolved into the region’s most peaceful country. Experience the stories around the campfires or singing and music on one of Hargeisa’s live stages. The Somalilanders are a people who love partying, dancing and music. The clothes are often colorful and everything is overwhelming from the food to the extravagant decorations. Also take the opportunity to meet the nomadic population who live with their cattle herds throughout the country. Much of the culture revolves around the camel, an animal that makes life in the Horn of Africa possible, transporting both goods and people while providing milk, meat and hides for its owners. The camel is still Somaliland’s most important export along with other livestock. In the restaurants, camel meat is served in various forms together with all conceivable other food. Many of Somaliland’s traditional stories and sayings revolve around camels and camel husbandry.

Foto: CNN http://edition.cnn.com/2015/07/16/travel/hargeisa-somaliland-somalia-africa/

Foto: CNN http://edition.cnn.com/2015/07/16/travel/hargeisa-somaliland-somalia-africa/

Exciting culture

Somaliland has been shaped over centuries and developed a unique culture with a rich storytelling tradition, dances, songs and a social structure that has evolved into the region’s most peaceful country. Experience the stories around the campfires or singing and music on one of Hargeisa’s live stages. The Somalilanders are a people who love partying, dancing and music. The clothes are often colorful and everything is overwhelming from the food to the extravagant decorations. Also take the opportunity to meet the nomadic population who live with their cattle herds throughout the country. Much of the culture revolves around the camel, an animal that makes life in the Horn of Africa possible, transporting both goods and people while providing milk, meat and hides for its owners. The camel is still Somaliland’s most important export along with other livestock. In the restaurants, camel meat is served in various forms together with all conceivable other food. Many of Somaliland’s traditional stories and sayings revolve around camels and camel husbandry.

Cities, Adventures and Villages

Somaliland has many cities, communities and villages that offer many different experiences. The capital Hargeisa, with its million population, is a bustling experience. Here there are large markets, many hotels, an exciting throng of people. Hargeisa is Africa’s safest capital according to the US Foreign Ministry. In the street, money changers sit with bales of notes in the middle of the pavement, gold sellers as well. The restaurant selection is wide with food from all over the world. The cultural scene is growing with art exhibitions, music performance and poetry. Sports life is on the rise and football and basketball are played by thousands of players. Don’t miss the camel market. On the coast lies the legendary port city of Berbera with a fantastic history. There are mile-long beaches with white sand and the restaurants serve freshly caught fish. The country offers many other cities, all with their own special charm. Visit the agricultural areas of Boroma, Gebiley and Burao. To the east are Las Anood and Eregavo with their dramatic mountains and green forests. The coast is never far away. Here are classics such as Zeila and the legendary Mayd with its interesting history. Fresh fish and freshly caught lobster are served here.